Gateway to the Amazon
Puyo is a fascinating city on the edge of the Amazon Jungle. It was founded as a market town, and continues to be the place where different cultures meet. If you are planning on visiting the Amazon Puyo is one of three such cities. In the north you have Tena, and in the South you have Macas, with Puyo in the centre.
Puyo is relatively unspoilt because Puyo is an Ecuadorian Secret. For some unknown reason, it has not been a popular tourist destination. It is overshadowed by Baños de Agua Santa, and for many it is a place you pass through. As a result information about Puyo is limited, or difficult to find, especially if you don’t read spanish.
I love Puyo, and now live here. I have built this website as a directory of information about Puyo. As I discover more I will expand the scope of the site so that soon it will be the “go to place” for Everything Puyo. My audience is for everyone, not just tourists, but also local people as well. Puyo is a developing city, and as such, is slow to share information.
One day I hope Puyo will be recognised for what I know it to be, a fascinating interface with the world of the Amazon and it’s peoples.